Friday, October 30, 2009
lepas dh 1...
salam ak nulis blog ni sje je...nk gtaw leps dh satu paper final...emm...lh wt ke...blh r trget x tnggi sgt...t kte tgk r cne...lusa ad paper ag..paper ctu..ada gk dpt xtaw r btoi ke x...t kte tgk r dlu cne,...bce r pe yg ptt kn..last xm...10hb...lik umh 12hb...dh siap jlan2 suma kn..lik r umh t...huhu...k r..xtaw dh nk type pe...salam
Monday, October 26, 2009
ajim dan amir
ni ada al-kisah..antara dua penyokong kelab bola...ajim manchester united dan amir c meriam arsenal...stlh gme berlalu pda mlm ni...ak ternmpk amir tersnyum...kerana beliau tlh mendapat kepuasan stlh man u kalah d tmpt liverpool...tetapi...kegembiraanya hnya seketika pabila mndgr team kesayangannya..iaitu arsenal tlh seri dgn west ham biasa...amir mengucai jgk azim...hurm...ble ku lihat perangai amir n ajim...spt ku lihat amir n pait slalo berperang mlut pda season leps... skng ni...d blakangku...azim dan ajim sdg berperang mlut mengatakn dan membaur2kn team sndiri...npe ye ble ada team kalah o seri ni...mest nk kucai sne..kucai cni...kalah, menang o seri 2 adat permainan je...pelik la diorng ni...mnggu ni orng ni sonok...dye la raja..pas2 mnggu dpn orng 2 plak sdh...adui..mcm2 la...xpe ag kalo bkn bola hiburan diorng...stlh setgh jam berlalu..amior d'dapati tenang setelah berbalas hujah ttg bola...sekian...that's the power of football....bye....
Friday, October 23, 2009
mendaki bukit cenderawasih

wahhh...stlh lme ku xbersenam..skali senam...xp dh jog...ats cadangn amir rempit..ak, amir abah, wan din n amir rempit cbe r nek bukit 2...dye pnya pnt...aduh...smpi ats 2 cm nk pngsan dh r...sesak berbaloi r kalo nek...sok kmi cdng nk nek bukit 2 ag...puas beb senam ada gmbr gmbr dh nk kt puncak r..xtngkp gmbr byk pon..pnt sgt...huhu
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
hello's been a long time since i last post bout life..firstly..4 anyone reading this post... i asked u..what ur purpose of living???does everything u want 2 achieve is already in ur hand???or does it still 2 far away??? i give u my answer...n i hope u give me purpose of living...i want to achieve great things n make a change to the world even though it's small...i notice this quote...even small people can make a change to the i asked myself...why couldn't i??? 4 the second question...many things i haven't achieved yet... i feel my journey of life still far..but who knows how long u will live...only Allah knows 4 me...i need to try very hard 4 make my dream become a reality..hurm...4 anyone who involved in my life and have hurt becoz of my doing...i apologize 2 u all... i don't know y i want to post bout life 2nite...something cross my mind..n then this post came... i think that is 4 2nite... gud nite......zzZZZ....
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
today is today
hello n gud morning everyone...for anyone who reading this blog this morning...i had a good sleep last nite...becoz my brain very tired form the past test this week...actually, i plan 2 wake up early to continues my work on PHI term paper..but..the reverse happen, i woke up late n i still manage to update my blog but can't continues my lazy i i goot a feeling it's gonna be a good day..hurm...2day is the last claz 4 PHI, MAT 422 and linear algebra...i wish 2 apologize to my lecturer juz in case i have done something wrong to them...oro...i'm late...c ya...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
one more...
bam bam biram...already finish algebra test...but how do i do????? the answer is...KO!!! haha...basically...i don't remember the step and theorem to do the it!!! huu...ah...neway...just this evening..i heard from ex-cozmate who's now studying in shah alam had an had a broken leg...pity for her..becoz final examination is 2 syikin..if u reading this blog..i hope u get well soon...a broken leg can't stop you from scoring in ur final examination...hehe...we all pray 4 u to get well soon...hurm.. i think that's all 4 2nite...need to do some math exercises to prepare in the upcoming test...c ya....wacaaa....
test aljabar...
gud luck 4 my test 2day....even though i don't study much...i hope i can perform well....wish me luck everybody....n 14/10...i have ODE test...this is my favourite subject..i wish t0 score in this upcoming test...neway..this is my list on Work To Be Done...
1-ODE test
2-Term paper PHI
3-arab drama video...
4-economic workgroup..
hurm..that all i think for my work 2 be anyone out there willing to help me finish my work...i'll treat u lunch...hehe
1-ODE test
2-Term paper PHI
3-arab drama video...
4-economic workgroup..
hurm..that all i think for my work 2 be anyone out there willing to help me finish my work...i'll treat u lunch...hehe
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
tensen week... bru pas test eco..sshnya...huhu...xlh jwb gk r sib bek r ada ornt tolong ckit...kalo x..hurm...sok ada quiz...mlm ada kels...sa2 ada test..ahad ada test...rabu ada test...pas2 kena antr term paper PHI....xke byk GLE!!!! keje nk siapkn mnggu suma sbb cuti H1N1 r...kalo xda cutiH1N1 2..xda r kelm kbut cm skng...pyahnya..phaynya..pyahnya..cne nk stdyni..stress!!! suma dugaan drNya...sbr2...huhu..xpe r...sbr2...sbr2....
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